Quarantine Workouts

Hope Ishizaka, Reporter

     With a mandatory quarantine in effect, public amenities have been closed by the state in order to practice social distancing. Although gyms are closed, here are some at home workout exercises that you can do in your room or outside of your home. 


Monday- Abs

  • 15 sit-ups 
  • 15 crunches 
  • 15 raised toe touches (lie on back, raise feet straight up in the air, touch toes by raising shoulders off the ground and flex abdomen)
  • 1 minute plank 
  • 20 plank twists (in plank position, rotate side of hips/butt to touch the ground; each side should touch the ground 10 times) 

Repeat 3 times with 1-2 minutes of rest in between each set 


Tuesday- Cardio 

  • 1 mile run 


  • 30 seconds high knees in place 
  • 30 seconds jumping jacks 
  • 30 seconds jump squats 
  • 30 seconds butt kicks 

Repeat 3 times with 1-2 minutes of rest in between each set 


Wednesday- Upper body

  • 15 push-ups 
  • 20 plank touches (in a plank position with hands on the ground, touch left shoulder with right hand, place right hand back on the ground, touch right shoulder with left hand, place left hand back on the ground, repeat process; try to keep body still without swaying motion; each hand should touch opposite shoulder 10 times)
  • 15 burpees 
  • 10 tricep dips (sit on bench, chair or table, extend feet with heels firmly on the ground, move butt off of sitting area and dip arms down and up 10 times) 

Repeat 3 times with 1-2 minutes of rest in between each set 


Thursday- Cardio

  • 1 mile run 


  • 30 seconds jump rope 
  • 30 seconds jumping lunges 
  • 30 seconds mountain climber 
  • 30 seconds running in place 

Repeat 3 times with 1-2 minutes of rest in between each set 


Friday- Glutes and Legs

  • 15 squats 
  • 30 seconds side step squats (in squatting postion side step 10 feet to the left and 10 feet back to the right for 30 seconds) 
  • 30 second wall sit 
  • 15 calf raises 
  • 15 single leg toe touches (standing on one leg, touch the ground and extend other leg straight back; repeat on other leg 15 times) 

Repeat 3 times with 1-2 minutes of rest in between each set