Putting Dreams into Action: ASMHS Hosts D.R.E.A.M. Night


Maya Hirano, Copy Editor

     On Jan. 10, ASMHS (Associated Students of Mililani High School) members came together to work with elementary and middle school students in a leadership training event called D.R.E.A.M. Night. This annual workshop was created by class of 2018 MHS alumnus Alyssa Yamada-Barretto.

     “D stands for dedication. R is responsibility. E is for effort. A is Aspire to Inspire. M is for Make it Happen. These are different leadership qualities we felt were important to showcase to the kids,” said ASMHS President Sasha Nicole Arreola. 

     D.R.E.A.M. Night took place at MHS from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m., consisting of team building activities, motivational talks, energizers and leadership lessons. It was run entirely by students — ASMHS planned everything from the timeline to the theme. “It’s a way for us to reconnect with the young leaders, because the last time we saw them was in the first quarter, for another leadership workshop and homecoming. At this event, these young leaders are able to develop their leadership skills and bond more with students from other schools,” said Arreola.

     This year’s theme was “Explore,” promoting the idea of exploring leadership and expanding leadership knowledge. Breakout sessions teaching different leadership skills were modeled after places to be explored: sea, land, mountains, sky and space. “The sea session focused on adaptability and how to ‘just keep swimming.’ Land was about how to go the extra mile. In the mountains (session), they learned how to push through obstacles and the importance of teamwork. Sky was how to be creative and look at things in a different perspective. And space focused on communication,” said Arreola.

     Participating schools included Mililani Ike Elementary School, Mililani Waena Elementary School, Mililani Uka Elementary School, Mililani Mauka Elementary School, Kipapa Elementary School and Mililani Middle School. The 30 students attending the event were individually invited as they are part of their own school government or leadership programs. “I hope they are inspired to do great things as a student leader and that they gained role models to learn from and look up to. I also hope they continue to lead by example and feel more confident in doing so,” said Student Activities Coordinator Leilani Ward-Riehle.

     While D.R.E.A.M. Night aimed to help the younger students, it also benefitted members of ASMHS. It gave the high schoolers an opportunity to teach as well as connect with the next generation. “Interacting with them gives you a different perspective on things, especially leadership. I learn a lot from them and they inspire me to become a better leader and role model,” said Arreola. Ward-Riehle added, “Our goal is to also aspire to inspire, so we hope that someday our attendees may one day be facilitator.”

     This being the third year of its existence, D.R.E.A.M. Night plans to continue in the upcoming school years.