Labonte and Ink Draw Victory in Chemistry Poem Contest

Mikal A. Reese, Maintenance Manager

     Art and science may seem like an unlikely fit, but nonetheless the American Chemical Society holds an illustrated poem contest every year as part of their National Chemistry Week. In the Hawai’i division of the contest, the first place winner was Sophomore Annabelle Ink and the second place winner was Senior Hayley LaBonte.

      “I was honestly really surprised I placed. I didn’t expect to win anything; I was just doing it for my AP Chemistry class,” said LaBonte.

     This year’s national chemistry week’s theme is “Marvelous Metals.”  Ink’s poem was titled “Ode to Iron.” LaBonte took a more broad approach and chose to write about the transition metals, which refers to the metals in the middle of the periodic table and includes metals like chromium, cobalt, iron, copper, nickel and manganese. “Transition metals are my favorite elements in the periodic table, and I wanted to highlight their unique properties of color, electricity and heat conduction, and magnetism,” said LaBonte.

      Both students had a similar motivation for partaking in the competition: better grades. “I decided to participate when my AP Chemistry teacher, Dr. Sitachitta, brought it up as an extra credit opportunity.” said LaBonte. “I also thought that entering the contest might help me understand the periodic table and properties of metals better.” 

     Ink’s poem will move on to the national competition. The prize for first place in the state was $50 and second place was $25. Both poems will be displayed at Kahala Mall.