MHS Welcomes Back Students With Assembly

Sasha Numazu-Fisher, Reporter

     Summer has ended, the bell has rung, and school is now officially back in session. On Aug. 9, 2019, MHS kicked off the brand new school year with our annual welcome back assembly. Students were immediately introduced to their new class council and pepped up by the various assembly activities that were put together by ASMHS. 

     “Welcome back assemblies are one of the most important parts of starting off a school year because it brings up school pride and gets everyone excited for the rest of the year,” said class president Senior Taylor Okimoto. 

     The assembly festivities first began with the show stopping junior varsity and varsity cheer performances. “I really liked the varsity cheer dance the best out of the entire assembly, it was just really entertaining to watch and it was a great way to get everyone pumped up,” said Sophomore Seanalei Nishimura. 

     Once the cheer performances were over, Principal Fred Murphy began to introduce several new and important faculty members, and recognized them with leis. “I really enjoyed my first assembly as a freshman, the music was really good and now that I’m not in middle school I’m looking forward to meeting new friends and finding my passion,” said Freshman Jaden Sakara.  

     Following thereafter, came the student council lipsync and dances, which is where class councils for each grade level perform a choreographed dance number together as a way to represent both their class and school pride. “I think assemblies allow everyone to get to know each other a little more, which is why I’ve always felt they’re a good way to start the year,” said Junior Skai Brandon. Afterwards, the new teachers joining the MHS faculty this year participated in a short team game, where they had to hold hands with one another and get a hula hoop from the start of their line all the way down and back before the other team. Once the game was finished, the teacher advisors for each grade level were found waving class flags in the back of two trucks that drove across the track as students hollered when their grade was called upon.

     These festivities entertained and pumped up the energy for all of the students, especially when the cheerleaders themselves got the entire school body involved in learning a simple clapping cheer. Soon afterwards, the council began to announce the recent events, sports and games coming up this year. “I’m looking forward to judo season because there’s a high chance of me being captain this year, it’s really important to me that I try to set my own legacy and make sure everyone remembers my name when I’m gone, since it’s my last year here,” said Senior Judah Davis. 

     Towards the end, the homecoming theme “Destination: Trojan Nation” was announced and then finally the assembly was closed out with the singing of our school song, perfectly welcoming back everyone into a new year of high school.