Homecoming Themes Throughout the Decades

Sasha Numazu-Fisher, Reporter

     Homecoming, which merely began as an event for the alumni of MHS to return home along with celebrating the annual football game, has grown into a well anticipated tradition. This singular event is not only for the return of MHS alumni, or the football game itself, but is also an occasion that brings students together. At first, in the 1970s, MHS homecomings had no focus on themes whatsoever. But since then, there have been different themes introduced every year – each year’s theme has been uniquely created for the purpose of making homecoming enjoyable for students.

     When looking back through the years, a pattern of connecting to things that bring out the inner imagination within every student is revealed in the themes. In 1986, the theme was “Once Upon a Time,” which related student’s to a world of fantasy, by adding an element of magic to their high school lives. This idea of expressing a students creativity was also shown in the theme, “Superheroes: Up, Up and Away” in 2015, where people were able to embody superheroes and create powers for themselves. Which shows how many themes have been influenced by the fantasy genre.

     Not only do the themes introduced for homecoming originate from imaginative and fairytale like ideals, but they also take inspiration from living in Hawai’i. Pastimes are often related to beach or island activities, resulting in themes such as “Island Style 90s” (1990) and “Beach Bash” (2005).

     Along with themes focused around fun activities, many of the homecoming themes have had a connection to the past. In 1987’s “Blast From the Past”, students were allowed to freely express themselves within any time period of their choice. 2017’s theme “Trojans aRe Us” was also tied to the past since people were able to reminisce in their childhoods.

     This year’s homecoming theme, “Lights, Camera, Action: Take 45,” focuses on present day rather than the past. By shining a light onto both entertainment aspects and the amount of years that our school has been established, it is able to fully capture the importance of the “now.”

     MHS homecoming themes have shown to cover a wide variety, with every passing year adding a new theme to celebrate the birth of new memories, school spirit and class pride.