JV Football Team Makes History as First to Win OIA Title

Jenna Nakanishi

The JV Football team made history this year as the first team to win the OIA Championships. The championship win brought to a close the JV team’s undefeated season.

“Playing in the championship against Kahuku was a really exhilarating feeling because we’re the first ever JV team to make it to the championship, and being on the field with my teammates and knowing that we’re about to go into battle is honestly the best feeling,” said starting linebacker and running back Sophomore Makena Alcover.

The win reflected on both the preparation and practice put in by the players, and the bonds built by the team over the course of the season. “I was proud of the boys—really proud of the boys—of how they stepped up and how they had each others back,” said coach Bruce Scanlan.

The strong bonds the players built with each other as a team was a big part the win. “Throughout the season our team had a huge amount of ups and downs but we knew that we weren’t gonna go anywhere if we didn’t come together as a team—and that’s what we did,” said Alcover. “Personally I think that playing as a team is what really set us apart from the other average teams and it played a big part in our season victories,” said quarterback Sophomore Richard James “RJ” Javar, “It of course felt good to be in a championship game, but it felt even better to be playing with my brothers.”

The team pulled through many obstacles to be able to win the championship. “Being the first JV team to win the championship and to go undefeated was a really relieving feeling because we proved everybody wrong and everyone who doubted us,” said Alcover. Despite facing doubts, they ultimately served to strengthen the team’s fighting spirit. “[I hope they know] that they earned it rather than people laid down for them and just let them have a free meal. They didn’t have none [sic] of the teams come here and lay down for them,” said Scanlan. “They earned every win, just because of how they fought.”

The team has fought to be at the top, and in the coming seasons, will work hard to stay there. “Mililani JV, we’re number 1, but now the fight is staying on top. Now that we’re at the top, everybody is going to be gunning for us,” said Scanlan. “The main thing is making sure that we come out fighting even harder.”

While the JV football season may be over for the players, the lessons learned and the friendships made will be remembered. “To reflect on our season, I’ll say that in the beginning we looked like a team full of scrubs and looked as good (as) our height because we didn’t have the size and we didn’t have the most athletic players. But we did have heart and we had a bond that no one could break. And we played as a team rather than individuals and that’s what put us at the top,” said Alcover.

Next year the JV team will continue to persevere as they take on their next challenge, defending the OIA title.
